Heather Shorey
1 min readMar 1, 2022



The body remembers when the mind forgets. The body remembers what the mind forgets. The body remembers. The body remembers. The body remembers. Everything. Every, every thing.


It’s a funny game this jumping rope. I play it with my kids. Every day we are making up songs, jumping. Round and round — all the way round.


If we skip or trip we’re surely to catch

ourselves, our selves, on rope

heading down, down down

to the floor,

floor floor.


Should we fall before we’re ready, we lay into the wind. Like a leaf we blow to where we’ll go, surrendering to its flow. Giggles and trills fill the air with this our anthem decree:

The body remembers when the mind forgets. The body remembers what the mind forgets. The body remembers. The body remembers. The body remembers. Everything. Every, every thing.


Every one of us little big things, passing through our winds.

Heather Shorey

Working the Craft. Experimenting Work(s) in Progress. Interested in Feedback for Further Development.